One day a rubber bouncy ball named BB was bouncing down the street when he saw someone's feet! They were big hair feet and they started to stink! BB was horrified by them and he walked up the the short little man with the big hairy feet and said 'Yo! Man! What cha doing, leaving your big hairy, smelly feet in the middle of the street?' Instead of replying the short little man (named SLM) started crying. He cried and cried and cried. 'I. Know. I have. Big. Hairy. Feet.' He said in between sobs. 'There's nothing I can do about it! It makes me feel sad when people judge me by my feet and the stink. If you got to know me, I think you would like me!' BB thought and thought and realized that SLM was right! So he spent the whole day with SLM to see if he liked SLM. At the end of a day filled with cake, parks, and ducks BB came to a conclusion. 'You know what?' He told SLM. 'You're wrong. I can judge you by your feet. I have concluded, after spending a whole day with you, that you a a hairy, smelly man!' After hearing this SLM broke down into tears. He cried and cried and cried. But then BB said 'JK! You are a wonderful person!! Will you be my friend?!' And SLM said 'NO WAY!!! That was a cruel joke and you are not a good friend or person. Get away!' So then BB cried and cried and cried. Then SLM was like 'JK! Now do you want to be friends?!' And BB said ' YES!!' And they became best friends